God bless you as you navigate whatever issue is prompting you to search for a lawyer. Perhaps Chickadee Law can be of service to you during this season? Please call to see if your legal needs and Lisa's knowledge and experience might be a good match.
One thing is certain--some day we will all take our final breath. While we are enjoying life, liberty and pursuing happiness today, wise people will also make plans now so that their assets and personal treasures will go to their indicated loved ones and intended recipients when the time comes. Lisa explains the nuances of and differences between a Last Will and Testament, a Living Trust, a Living Will, Advance Directives, and Durable Powers of Attorney.
When does a Last Will and Testament needs to be probated? What if Dad died without a Will? Who is responsible for carrying out his wishes? Lisa can help you make sense of your specific and unique situation, and walk you through the process.
How do you protect your loved one from predators who want to take advantage of their diminished mental sharpness, age or vulnerability? A Guardianship will give a trusted friend or relative the authority to make decisions about the health of the person, while a Conservatorship will give someone authority over the assets, property and possessions of the person. This becomes necessary when your loved one is not competent to appoint his/her own trusted overseers and the court appoints them instead.
Lisa is a born-again follower of Jesus and spent ten years as a missionary in Chile. Many of the gifts and practices of that Christian lifestyle spill over into her professional life. She is different from most other attorneys because of her changed heart, often making house calls, meeting you in a public place for the first meeting, and
Lisa is a born-again follower of Jesus and spent ten years as a missionary in Chile. Many of the gifts and practices of that Christian lifestyle spill over into her professional life. She is different from most other attorneys because of her changed heart, often making house calls, meeting you in a public place for the first meeting, and praying with you and for you. Lots of lawyers are in it for the money, and they will charge you handsomely for their services--sometimes deservedly so. Lisa's idea has always been to combine her heart's need to offer caring assistance with her head's need to make ends meet. Lisa's end game is to get you the legal help you need while getting paid for her compassionate and intelligent representation without breaking your bank. As a result, her rates are very reasonable and include some package deals.
For 2025, here are the basic fees:
For Estate Planning:
Living Trust $800
Last Will and Testament $400
Durable Power of Attorney $300
Living Will $200
All four documents for package price of $1,500 per person.
Includes a thorough analysis of your estate and wise counsel.
Drafting a Deed $200
Note: If drafting two packages for a married couple
For 2025, here are the basic fees:
For Estate Planning:
Living Trust $800
Last Will and Testament $400
Durable Power of Attorney $300
Living Will $200
All four documents for package price of $1,500 per person.
Includes a thorough analysis of your estate and wise counsel.
Drafting a Deed $200
Note: If drafting two packages for a married couple where the documents mirror each other, the total package price for both spouses shall be $2,000.
Retainer: For other work besides drafting the above Estate Planning documents, Lisa bills at $200/hour. The minimum retainer required at the beginning of your contractual relationship with Chickadee Law shall be $2,000. You will receive a record of billable hours at least once a month and when she has completed 9 billable hours, another $2,000 will be required to continue representation. At the termination of your relationship with Chickadee Law, Lisa shall promptly order an online banking check to return to you any fees not yet earned. (Please allow ten days for said check to arrive in your mailbox.)
Probate Fees are on a sliding scale and determined by statute.
PLEASE NOTE: All checks should be made out to:
IOLTA Chickadee Law. This is a trust account safeguarding your money until such time as the fees are earned.
Lisa graduated from California Western School of Law with a Juris Doctor degree. Her education included an internship with the Honorable Norbert Ehrenfreund, clerkships with the District Attorney of San Diego County, and being a Moot Court finalist and a semi-finalist in the National Appellate Advocacy Competition. She passed the CA bar in 1992, and the MO bar in 1994. Lisa is focusing on Estate Planning and Probate Issues, including Petitions for Guardianship and Conservatorship. In 1997, Lisa was sworn into the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, pictured here.
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Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm
Sunday: Closed
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